Balas Egon

Egon Balas

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Found 26 papers in total
Combining Lift‐and‐Project and Reduce‐and‐Split
Split cuts constitute a class of cutting planes that has been successfully employed by...
Projecting systems of linear inequalities with binary variables
We investigate methods for projecting out 0–1 variables from a system of linear...
Some thoughts on the development of integer programming during my research career
This note was written on the occasion of the awarding of the EURO Gold Medal by The...
New facets of the STS polytope generated from known facets of the ATS polytope
While it had been known for a long time how to transform an asymmetric traveling...
Projection, lifting and extended formulation in integer and combinatorial optimization
This is an overview of the significance and main uses of projection, lifting and...
Pivot and Shift – a mixed integer programming heuristic
Pivot and Shift is an extension to general mixed integer programming of Pivot and...
Linear time dynamic-programming algorithms for new classes of restricted travelling salesman problems: a computational study
Consider the following restricted (symmetric or asymmetric) traveling-salesman problem...
Linear time dynamic-programming algorithms for new classes of retricted traveling salesman problems: A computational study
Consider the following restricted (symmetric or asymmetric) traveling-salesman problem...
Octane: A new heuristic for pure 0–1 programs
We propose a new heuristic for pure 0–1 programs, which finds feasible integer...
A parallel shortest augmenting path algorithm for the assignment problem
A parallel version of the shortest augmenting path algorithm for the assignment...
New classes of efficiently solvable generalized traveling salesman problems
We consider the n -city traveling salesman problem (TSP), symmetric or asymmetric,...
Projection with a minimal system of inequalities
Projection of a polyhedron involves the use of a cone whose extreme rays induce the...
On the monotonization of polyhedra
In polyhedral combinatorics one often has to analyze the facial structure of less than...
A modified lift-and-project procedure
In recent years the lift-and-project approach has been used successfully within a...
Guided local search with shifting bottleneck for job shop scheduling
Many recently developed local search procedures for job shop scheduling use...
Mixed 0–1 programming by lift-and-project in a branch-and-cut framework
We investigate the computational issues that need to be addressed when incorporating...
The precedence-constrained asymmetric traveling salesman polytope
Many applications of the traveling salesman problem require the introduction of...
The one-machine problem with delayed precedence constraints and its use in job shop scheduling
The authors study the one machine scheduling problem with release and delivery times...
Linear-time separation algorithms for the three-index assignment polytope
Balas and Saltzman identified several classes of facet inducing inequalities for the...
A lift-and-project cutting plane algorithm for mixed 0-1 programming problems
The authors propose a cutting plane algorithm for mixed 0-1 programs based on a family...
A lifting procedure for the asymmetric traveling salesman polytope and a large new class of facets
Given any family ℱ of valid inequalities for the asymmetric traveling salesman...
The Fixed-Outdegree 1-Arborescence polytope
A 1-arborescence is a spanning arborescence rooted at node 1, plus one arc incident...
On the set covering polytope: II. Lifting the facets with coefficients in
In an earlier paper the authors characterized the class of facets of the set covering...
Sequential convexification in reverse convex and disjunctive programming
This paper is about a property of certain combinatorial structures, called sequential...
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