Octane: A new heuristic for pure 0–1 programs

Octane: A new heuristic for pure 0–1 programs

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Article ID: iaor20021995
Country: United States
Volume: 49
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 207
End Page Number: 225
Publication Date: Mar 2001
Journal: Operations Research
Authors: , , , ,
Keywords: heuristics

We propose a new heuristic for pure 0–1 programs, which finds feasible integer points by enumerating extended facets of the octahedron, the outer polar of the unit hypercube. We give efficient algorithms to carry out the enumeration, and we explain how our heuristic can be embedded in a branch-and-cut framework. Finally, we present computational results on a set of pure 0–1 programs taken from MIPLIB and other sources.


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