Weintraub Andrs

Andrs Weintraub

Information about the author Andrs Weintraub will soon be added to the site.
Found 18 papers in total
Branch-and-price and constraint programming for solving a real-life technician dispatching problem
We consider a real problem faced by a large company providing repair services of...
A branch‐and‐cluster coordination scheme for selecting prison facility sites under uncertainty
A multi‐period stochastic model and an algorithmic approach to location of...
A Column Generation Model for Truck Routing in the Chilean Forest Industry
This study addresses the problem of scheduling the daily assignment of available...
A review of operations research in mine planning
Applications of operations research to mine planning date back to the 1960s. Since...
Improving computational capabilities for addressing volume constraints in forest harvest scheduling problems
Forest Harvest Scheduling problems incorporating area-based restrictions have been of...
A dynamic objective–subjective structure for forest management focusing on environmental issues
In this paper a decision-making process is applied to a Chilean forestry firm that...
A Lagrangian relaxation approach for a machinery location problem in forest harvesting
The correct location of harvesting machinery is an important problem for the timber...
A combinatorial heuristic approach for solving real-size machinery location and road design problems in forestry planning
The location and operation of harvest machinery, along with the design and...
Operational research models and the management of fisheries and aquaculture: A review
This paper reviews the role that the operational research (OR) discipline has played...
Incorporating average and maximum area restrictions in harvest scheduling models
A major goal in natural resource management has long been balancing the multiple uses...
Evaluating the economic cost of environmental measures in plantation harvesting through the use of mathematical models
An important issue being discussed for Chilean pine plantation policies is the...
Aggregation procedures in forest management planning using cluster analysis
Typical linear programming models used in forest planning can be very large. It is...
New issues in forest land management from an operations research perspective
Over the last two decades, forest land management practices have changed in response...
A heuristic system to solve mixed integer forest planning models
Implementing forest plans involves decisions regarding the geographic arrangement and...
Design of a transportation management system in Chilectra Metropolitana S.A
The main purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of the transportation...
A trucks dispatching system for the transportation of forestry products
This paper presents an administrative and computational system developed for forestry...
A cutting plane approach for chance constrained linear programs
One approach for solving linear programs with random coefficients is chance...
Habitat dispersion in forest planning and the stable set problem
The authors present a model for forest planning with habitat dispersion constraints....
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