Probability of diameter two for Steinhaus graphs

Probability of diameter two for Steinhaus graphs

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Article ID: iaor19931490
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 41
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 165
End Page Number: 171
Publication Date: Jan 1993
Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: probability

A Steinhaus graph is a graph with n vertices whose adjacency matrix equ1satisfies the condition that equ2or each equ3. It is clear that a Steinhaus graph is determined by its first row. In ‘Almost all Steinhaus graphs have diameter two’, it is shown that almost all Steinhaus graphs have diameter two. Here the authors generalize to the case where the jth entry of the first row has probability equ4of being 1. Under reasonable conditions it is shown that the probability measure of the set of Steinhaus graphs with diameter two approaches 1 as the number of vertices in the graph approaches infinity.


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