The impact of transportation alternatives on the decision to cease driving by older adults in Japan

The impact of transportation alternatives on the decision to cease driving by older adults in Japan

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Article ID: iaor20162430
Volume: 43
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 443
End Page Number: 453
Publication Date: May 2016
Journal: Transportation
Authors: , ,
Keywords: transportation: road, decision, behaviour, economics

This study investigated whether the availability of transportation alternatives for older drivers is a determinant of the decision to cease driving. We recruited participants from a total of 7827 drivers aged 69 years or older living in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan who were scheduled to renew their driving license between February and April 2011. In November 2010, we distributed questionnaires to collect data on predictors of driving cessation, and again in December 2012 to determine who had actually ceased driving. The relative impacts of factors related to driving cessation were then estimated. Of the 3089 respondents, 157 did not renew their license. The strongest determinants of this decision were having been advised to stop driving and if they had developed less confidence in their ability to drive safely. Even so, respondents were far more likely to have actually stopped driving if they were sure that someone else was available to provide a ride when they needed one. The final decision to stop driving is strongly influenced by personal convenience based on private transport, especially amongst drivers who have been advised to stop. The availability of public transport alternatives is not as important a factor in this decision.


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