Bundling and Scheduling Service Packages with Customer Behavior: Model and Heuristic

Bundling and Scheduling Service Packages with Customer Behavior: Model and Heuristic

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Article ID: iaor2016101
Volume: 25
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 36
End Page Number: 55
Publication Date: Jan 2016
Journal: Production and Operations Management
Authors: ,
Keywords: scheduling, behaviour, heuristics, optimization

Past researchers have found evidence that customers consider the sequence of event utility when evaluating past and future service experiences. Specifically, the evidence confirms that the placement of a peak event, the utility of the last event, and the slope of event utility over time all affect customer behavior and perception. We formulate an optimization problem with a focus on optimizing schedule sequence characteristics in order to maximize customer experiences. We discuss possible contexts in which this type of scheduling might be considered and, as an example, present a particularly complex model of a world‐renowned performing arts venue. We solve the problem with a simulated annealing algorithm and further discuss the complexity and opportunities associated with this type of scheduling effort.


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