3-Valued problem and reduction of some integer programming problems

3-Valued problem and reduction of some integer programming problems

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Article ID: iaor19931176
Country: Japan
Volume: 21
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 427
End Page Number: 461
Publication Date: Nov 1991
Journal: Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
Keywords: programming: mathematical

In this paper we are concerned with the following four types of integer problems. Integer Selection Problem (ISP): Let equ1be positive integers and let equ2and equ3be given integers. Find an integer equ4with equ5and non-negative integers equ6satisfying equ7and equ8for equ9. 3-valued Problem: Given integers equ10and equ11find equ12satisfying equ13. Indeterminate Coefficient Problem (IDCP): Let m, n, p and q be positive integers, equ14integers, and let equ15and equ16be given integers. Find non-negative integers equ17and equ18satisfying equ19and equ20. IDCP with boundedness conditions: Given integers equ21, solve the IDCP under the boundedness conditions equ22. The main objective in this paper is to show that the two problems ISP and IDCP are equivalent, and that any IDCP with boundedness conditions is reduced to a 3-valued problem, as stated below: Any solution of a given ISP (resp. IDCP and IDCP with boundedness conditions) is derived from solutions of the associated IDCP (resp. ISP and 3-valued problem) and vice versa. In order to state the second result on the 3-valued problem for given integers equ23and equ24, we introduce two notions: We say that a subset equ25of equ26is weakly (resp. strongly) removable, if for each equ27there exists equ28satisfying equ29(resp. equ30) and equ31and we say that equ32is maximal if equ33for any equ34is not weakly (resp. strongly) removable. Using the above terminologies, we may state the following result which provides useful necessary conditions for the existence of solutions of 3-valued problems: Let equ35be a solution of the 3-valued problem formulated for equ36and equ37. (i) If there are no solutions equ38such that equ39for k with equ40, then the subset equ41is maximal as a weakly removable set and also maximal as a strongly removable set. (ii) If equ42for any equ43and the inequality equ44holds for a subset equ45of equ46, than equ47for some missing1.


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