Customers' perception and attitude towards service quality in multinational banks in India

Customers' perception and attitude towards service quality in multinational banks in India

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Article ID: iaor20119649
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 199
End Page Number: 215
Publication Date: Sep 2011
Journal: International Journal of Services and Operations Management
Keywords: statistics: inference

The research attempts to understand the Indian customers' perceptions towards the service quality of multinational banks. There have been several studies to understand the service quality in the banking sector. With liberalisation policies initiated by the Indian Government, the multinational banks have been making investments in the country. To be successful in the country, they would have to understand the expectations of the Indian customers. The study tries to extend the existing SERVQUAL dimensions used by previous researches and adopts it in Indian context. The SERVQUAL model was adopted and modified for the research. Through a survey administered on Indian customers (n = 198), and their perceptions about service quality was identified. ANOVA, post‐hoc analysis and, multiple regression tests were used to analyse the data. The results show that Indian customers' quality perceptions differ between the two genders and across age categories. The multinational banks can use the results for planning their expansion and marketing strategies in Indian subcontinent.


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