A Chance-Constrained Model for the operation of the Aswan High Dam

A Chance-Constrained Model for the operation of the Aswan High Dam

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Article ID: iaor1992618
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 17
Issue: 1/2
Start Page Number: 109
End Page Number: 121
Publication Date: Feb 1991
Journal: Engineering Optimization
Keywords: scheduling, programming: probabilistic

This paper analyzes the problem of the operation of the Aswan High Dam. A Chance-Constrained Model (CCM) is developed for the operation of the Dam. The model optimizes total benefits from the discharged water while incorporating all physical and operating constraints. Zero-order decision rules are used to obtain the model deterministic equivalent. The model operating policy is compared with the current operation policy derived from a heuristic rule and an alternative policy derived from a dynamic programming model developed earlier for the operation of the Aswan High Dam. The chance-constrained approach provides a natural and more flexible model for the operation of the Dam.


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