Improving time-critical decision making in life-threatening situations: Observations and insights

Improving time-critical decision making in life-threatening situations: Observations and insights

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Article ID: iaor200944727
Country: United States
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 100
End Page Number: 110
Publication Date: Jun 2008
Journal: Decision Analysis
Keywords: emergencies

In this article we present our concept of time–critical decision making, sometimes even in life–threatening situations, and compare it to the process of non–time–critical decision making. Decision–making methodologies have been extensively researched, and some of the published research deals with decision making within the context of everyday life. However, in many organizations it is customary for decisions to be made under pressure and in conditions of uncertainty. Such organizations may benefit from a generic decision–making approach. Two case studies were used to research the characteristics of time–critical decision making. A qualitative analysis of these case studies and previous research insights were integrated. The insights that were found enable us to offer a practical generic approach toward improving the process of time–critical decision making. The suggested approach combines components that were mentioned in previous research with new ones. It contains two phases: The first identifies various decision–making situations in the organization and their classification according to the extent (severity) of time criticality in making and implementing the decision. This classification determines the necessary decision making and implementation procedures, whether they are cognitive or not. The second deals with the relevant components for improving the quality of the decision making. Application of this approach is very simple, and it suits not only military organizations, but also organizations and individuals that will benefit from making better decisions in stressful situations. The approach can be combined with other existing approaches such as risk management.


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