Using SSM to structure the identification of inputs and outputs in DEA

Using SSM to structure the identification of inputs and outputs in DEA

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Article ID: iaor200917077
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 60
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 168
End Page Number: 179
Publication Date: Feb 2009
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: , ,
Keywords: statistics: data envelopment analysis

This paper reports on an innovative combination of hard and soft methods—soft systems methodology (SSM) with data envelopment analysis (DEA). Problems in defining and agreeing appropriate inputs and outputs for DEA led to the use of SSM as a way or producing a comprehensive and systemic database of performance indicators. The contributions of the paper are: the use of SSM to improve DEA specifications; conceptual clarifications within both SSM and DEA; and an innovative example of multimethodology. These developments are illustrated through a study evaluating the performance of the basic research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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