Ant colony optimization combined with taboo search for the job shop scheduling problem

Ant colony optimization combined with taboo search for the job shop scheduling problem

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Article ID: iaor2009977
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 35
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 1030
End Page Number: 1046
Publication Date: Mar 2008
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics: ant systems, heuristics: tabu search

In this paper, we present a hybrid algorithm combining ant colony optimization algorithm with the taboo search algorithm for the classical job shop scheduling problem. Instead of using the conventional construction approach to construct feasible schedules, the proposed ant colony optimization algorithm employs a novel decomposition method inspired by the shifting bottleneck procedure, and a mechanism of occasional reoptimizations of partial schedules. Besides, a taboo search algorithm is embedded to improve the solution quality. We run the proposed algorithm on 101 benchmark instances and obtain competitive results and a new best upper bound for one open benchmark instance is found.


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