Robust design of composites manufacturing processes with process simulation and optimisation methods

Robust design of composites manufacturing processes with process simulation and optimisation methods

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Article ID: iaor2009906
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 46
Issue: 8
Start Page Number: 2087
End Page Number: 2104
Publication Date: Jan 2008
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: simulation: applications, manufacturing industries

Due to the increasing variations in raw materials and manufacturing processes, composite manufacturing processes have more part-to-part variations compared with the metal manufacturing processes. To improve part quality consistency, tooling design optimisation is an imperative step for addressing the stochastic behaviour of composite manufacturing processes. This paper presents an optimisation approach for the typical composite manufacturing technique of resin transfer moulding (RTM), which minimises the sensitivity of the mould design to uncertain material properties by choosing appropriate locations of injection gates and vents. This paper proposes a stochastic simulation based approach for the RTM processes.


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