Optimal inventory replenishment policy for the economic production quantity model under trade credit derived without derivatives

Optimal inventory replenishment policy for the economic production quantity model under trade credit derived without derivatives

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Article ID: iaor2009818
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 39
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 539
End Page Number: 546
Publication Date: May 2008
Journal: International Journal of Systems Science
Authors: ,
Keywords: economic order

Within the economic production quantity framework, the main purpose of this article is to deal with Chung and Huang's model and extend this model by considering the unit selling price higher than the unit purchasing cost using the algebraic method to determine the optimal inventory replenishment policy for the retailer under trade credit. This article provides this algebraic approach which could be used easily to introduce the basic inventory theories to younger students who lack the knowledge of calculus. In addition, we develop an easy-to-use procedure to find the optimal inventory replenishment policy for the retailer in the extended model developed in this article. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the result obtained in our extended model.


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