Forecasting volatility with noisy jumps: an application to the Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks

Forecasting volatility with noisy jumps: an application to the Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks

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Article ID: iaor20091467
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 27
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 267
End Page Number: 278
Publication Date: Apr 2008
Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
Keywords: financial, economics

Empirical high-frequency data can be used to separate the continuous and the jump components of realized volatility. This may improve on the accuracy of out-of-sample realized volatility forecasts. A further improvement may be realized by disentangling the two components using a sampling frequency at which the market microstructure effect is negligible, and this is the objective of the paper. In particular, a significant improvement in the accuracy of volatility forecasts is obtained by deriving the jump information from time intervals at which the noise effect is weak.


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