An overview of the issues in the airline industry and the role of optimization models and algorithms

An overview of the issues in the airline industry and the role of optimization models and algorithms

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Article ID: iaor20091270
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 59
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 267
End Page Number: 277
Publication Date: Mar 2008
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: optimization, programming: probabilistic

Optimization application has revolutionized the airline industry in all phases of the planning process. One of the current issues facing the airline industry is planning under uncertainty, especially in the context of schedule disruptions. We discuss the robust models and solution algorithms that have been proposed and developed to handle the uncertain parameters. We show that stochastic programming (SP) provides an ideal paradigm for capturing the uncertainties and making robust decisions. We develop and investigate a prototype fleet assignment model formulated as a two-stage SP with recourse.


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