A heuristic method for the vehicle routing problem with mixed deliveries and pickups

A heuristic method for the vehicle routing problem with mixed deliveries and pickups

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Article ID: iaor20091079
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 149
End Page Number: 161
Publication Date: Apr 2008
Journal: Journal of Scheduling
Authors: , ,
Keywords: heuristics, heuristics: tabu search, scheduling

The vehicle routing problem with deliveries and pickups is a challenging extension to the vehicle routing problem that lately attracted growing attention in the literature, This paper investigates the relationship between two versions of this problem, called ‘mixed’ and ‘simultaneous’. In particular, we wish to know whether a solution algorithm designed for the simultaneous case can solve the mixed case. To this end, we implement a metaheuristic based on reactive tabu search. The results suggest that this approach can yield good results.


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