End-to-end availability-dependent pricing of network services

End-to-end availability-dependent pricing of network services

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Article ID: iaor2009359
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 157
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 61
End Page Number: 71
Publication Date: Jan 2008
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: heuristics: genetic algorithms

We discuss how a new pricing scheme can be integrated within a communication network. The pricing scheme is based on the availability of end-to-end communications, and is an alternative to congestion pricing, which is not applicable when communication capacity is higher than demand (as happens in most communication backbone networks). We also investigate how, based on this scheme, an optimization algorithm for updating the network topology can be applied. The network update problem is modeled as a combinatorial optimization problem, which is approximately solved using a Genetic Algorithm.


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