Cancela Hctor

Hctor Cancela

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Found 8 papers in total
Diameter constrained reliability: Complexity, distinguished topologies and asymptotic behavior
Let G = ( V , E ) be a simple graph with | V | = n vertices and |...
Full complexity analysis of the diameter-constrained reliability
Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph with |V|=n nodes and |E|=m...
Efficient estimation of distance-dependent metrics in edge-failing networks
This article introduces a method for estimating performability metrics built upon...
On computing the 2-diameter -constrained K -reliability of networks
This article considers a communication network modeled by a graph G=<V,E> and a...
End-to-end availability-dependent pricing of network services
We discuss how a new pricing scheme can be integrated within a communication network....
Evolutionary algorithms applied to reliable communication network design
Several evolutionary algorithms (EAs) applied to a wide class of communication network...
Properties of a generalized source-to-all-terminal network reliability model with diameter constraints
Given the pervasive nature of computer and communication networks, many paradigms have...
An algorithm to compute the all-terminal reliability measure
In the evaluation of the reliability of a multi-component system, the most important...
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