Supporting collaboration in the development and management of lean supply networks

Supporting collaboration in the development and management of lean supply networks

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Article ID: iaor2009319
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 35
End Page Number: 52
Publication Date: Jan 2008
Journal: Production Planning and Control
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: knowledge management

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the appropriate information and communication technology can act as a catalyst in the development and operations management of lean supply networks; not by automating tasks and procedures, but by providing the enabling infrastructure required for structuring difficult problems and issues arising at inter-organisational boundaries and for taming the social complexity of their resolution processes. Towards this end, we present the design rationale and the functionalities of Co-LEAN, which is an integrated suite of software tools developed by the authors for the design and management of lean supply networks.


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