Lot streaming in a multiple product permutation flow shop with intermingling

Lot streaming in a multiple product permutation flow shop with intermingling

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Article ID: iaor2009184
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 46
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 197
End Page Number: 216
Publication Date: Jan 2008
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: integer, scheduling

In this paper we study the multi-product lot streaming problem in a permutation flow shop. The problem involves splitting given order quantities of different products into sublots and determining their optimal sequence. Each sublot has to be processed successively on all machines. The sublots of the particular products are allowed to intermingle, that is sublots of different jobs may be interleaved. A mixed integer programming formulation is presented which enables us to find optimal sublot sizes as well as the optimal sequence simultaneously. With this formulation, small- and medium-sized instances can be solved in a reasonable time.


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