A note on Bayesian identification of change points in data sequences

A note on Bayesian identification of change points in data sequences

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Article ID: iaor20084518
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 35
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 156
End Page Number: 170
Publication Date: Jan 2008
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , , , , ,
Keywords: financial, time series & forecasting methods

Recent research in mathematical methods for finance suggests that time series for financial data should be studied with non-stationary models and with structural changes that include both jumps and heteroskedasticity (with jumps in variance). It has been recognized that discriminating between variations caused by the continuous motion of Brownian shocks and the genuine discontinuities in the path of the process constitutes a challenge for existing computational procedures. This issue is addressed here, using the product partition model (PPM), for performing such discrimination and the estimation of process jump parameters. Computational implementation aspects of PPM applied to the identification of change points in data sequences are discussed. In particular, we analyze the use of a Gibbs sampling scheme to compute the estimates and show that there is no significant impact of such use on the quality of the results. The influence of the size of the data sequence on the estimates is also of interest, as well as the efficiency of the PPM to correctly identify atypical observations occurring in close instants of time. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations attest to the effectiveness of the Gibbs sampling implementation. An illustrative financial time series example is also presented.


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