Aesthetic evolutionary algorithm for fractal-based user-centered jewelry design

Aesthetic evolutionary algorithm for fractal-based user-centered jewelry design

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Article ID: iaor20084027
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 19
End Page Number: 39
Publication Date: Feb 2008
Journal: AI EDAM
Authors: , ,
Keywords: design, heuristics: genetic algorithms

This paper proposes an aesthetic-driven evolutionary algorithm for user-centered design. The evolutionary algorithm is based on a genetic algorithm (GA). It is developed to work as an art form generator that enhances user's productivity and creativity through reproduction, evaluation, and selection. Users can input their preferences and guide the generating direction to the system. A two-step fitness function is developed to evaluate morphology and aesthetics of the generated art forms. Fractals created by an iterated function system are used for representing art forms in our process. Algorithmic aesthetics are developed based on the aesthetic measure theory, surveys of human preferences, and popular long-lasting symbols. The algorithmic aesthetics is used for evaluating aesthetics of art forms together with subjective nonquantifiable aspects, and placed in the fitness function. The GA basically creates two-dimensional art forms. However, any two-dimensional image can be included through the property of a condensation set of fractals. The proposed GA can increase design productivity by about 80%. Examples of jewelry designs and physical prototypes created by the proposed system are included.


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