Hybrid meta-heuristics algorithms for task assignment in heterogeneous computing systems

Hybrid meta-heuristics algorithms for task assignment in heterogeneous computing systems

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Article ID: iaor20083499
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 33
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 820
End Page Number: 835
Publication Date: Mar 2006
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: heuristics

In this paper we tackle the task assignment problem (TSAP) in heterogeneous computer systems. The TSAP consists of assigning a given distributed computer program formed by a number of tasks to a number of processors, subject to a set of constraints, and in such a way a given cost function to be minimized. We introduce a novel formulation of the problem, in which each processor is limited in the number of tasks it can handle, due to the so called resource constraint. We propose two hybrid meta-heuristic approaches for solving this problem. Both hybrid approaches use a Hopfield neural network to solve the problem's constraints, mixed with a genetic algorithm (GA) and a simulated annealing for improving the quality of the solutions found. We test the performance of the proposed algorithms in several computational TSAP instances, using a GA with a penalty function and a GA with a repairing heuristic for comparison purposes. We will show that both meta-heuristics approaches are very good approaches for solving the TSAP.


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