A discrete version of particle swarm optimization for flowshop scheduling problems

A discrete version of particle swarm optimization for flowshop scheduling problems

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Article ID: iaor20083038
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 34
Issue: 10
Start Page Number: 3099
End Page Number: 3111
Publication Date: Oct 2007
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: heuristics

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a novel metaheuristic inspired by the flocking behavior of birds. The applications of PSO to scheduling problems are extremely few. In this paper, we present a PSO algorithm, extended from discrete PSO, for flowshop scheduling. In the proposed algorithm, the particle and the velocity are redefined, and an efficient approach is developed to move a particle to the new sequence. To verify the proposed PSO algorithm, comparisons with a continuous PSO algorithm and two genetic algorithms are made. Computational results show that the proposed PSO algorithm is very competitive. Furthermore, we incorporate a local search scheme into the proposed algorithm, called PSO-LS. Computational results show that the local search can be really guided by PSO in our approach. Also, PSO-LS performs well in flowshop scheduling with total flow time criterion, but it requires more computation times.


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