So where to next? A survey of the future for discrete-event simulation

So where to next? A survey of the future for discrete-event simulation

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Article ID: iaor20081502
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 1
End Page Number: 6
Publication Date: Dec 2006
Journal: Journal of Simulation
Authors: ,

Discrete-event simulation (DES) has been with us for around 50 years. During this time, the field has seen significant progress as witnessed by the plethora of software packages and reported applications. But what of the future? Where does the field of DES need to go in the next 10 years? As part of this first issue of the Journal of Simulation (JOS), the Editors-in-Chief have surveyed the Editorial Board for their answers to this question. In particular, those surveyed were asked to comment on four areas: simulation technology, simulation experimentation and analysis, simulation applications and simulation practice. The findings from the 13 responses obtained are summarized under these same headings in the JOS 2006 Survey.


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