BBVA-ARIES: a forecasting and simulation model for the European Economic and Monetary Union

BBVA-ARIES: a forecasting and simulation model for the European Economic and Monetary Union

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Article ID: iaor20081010
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 22
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 411
End Page Number: 426
Publication Date: Aug 2003
Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
Authors: ,
Keywords: simulation, economics

This paper describes the BBVA-ARIES, a Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) for the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). In addition to providing EMU-wide growth and inflation forecasts, the model provides an assessment of the interactions between key EMU macroeconomic variables and external ones, such as world GDP or commodity prices. A comparison of the forecasts generated by the model and those of private analysts and public institutions reveals a very positive balance in favour of the model. For their part, the simulations allow us to assess the potential macroeconomic effects of macroeconomic developments in the EMU.


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