A hybrid heuristic to reduce the number of different patterns in cutting stock problems

A hybrid heuristic to reduce the number of different patterns in cutting stock problems

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Article ID: iaor20072367
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 33
Issue: 9
Start Page Number: 2744
End Page Number: 2756
Publication Date: Sep 2006
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics

We propose a hybrid procedure to obtain a reduced number of different patterns in cutting stock problems. Initially, we generate patterns with limited waste that fulfill the demands of at least two items when the patterns are repeatedly cut as much as possible but without overproducing any of the items. The problem is reduced and the residual problem is solved. Then, pattern reduction techniques (local search) are applied starting with the generated solution. The scheme is straightforward and can be used in cutting stock problems of any dimension. Variations of the procedure are also indicated. Computational tests performed indicated that the proposed scheme provides alternative solutions to the pattern reduction problem which are not dominated by other solutions obtained using procedures previously suggested in the literature.


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