A new approach of forecasting intermittent demand for spare parts inventories in the process industries

A new approach of forecasting intermittent demand for spare parts inventories in the process industries

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Article ID: iaor20072165
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 58
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 52
End Page Number: 61
Publication Date: Jan 2007
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: inventory, statistics: regression

Accurate demand forecasting is of vital importance in inventory management of spare parts in process industries, while the intermittent nature makes demand forecasting for spare parts especially difficult. With the wide application of information technology in enterprise management, more information and data are now available to improve forecasting accuracy. In this paper, we develop a new approach for forecasting the intermittent demand of spare parts. The described approach provides a mechanism to integrate the demand autocorrelated process and the relationship between explanatory variables and the nonzero demand of spare parts during forecasting occurrences of nonzero demands over lead times. Two types of performance measures for assessing forecast methods are also described. Using data sets of 40 kinds of spare parts from a petrochemical enterprise in China, we show that our method produces more accurate forecasts of lead time demands than do exponential smoothing, Croston's method and Markov bootstrapping method.


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