Single-machine scheduling with time window-dependent processing times

Single-machine scheduling with time window-dependent processing times

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Article ID: iaor20071766
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 57
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 133
End Page Number: 139
Publication Date: Feb 2006
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,

In the one-machine scheduling problems analysed in this paper, the processing time of a job depends on the time at which the job is started. More precisely, the horizon is divided into time windows and with each one a coefficient is associated that is used to determine the actual processing time of a job starting in it. Two models are introduced, and one of them has direct connections with models considered in previous papers on scheduling problems with time-dependent processing times. Various computational complexity results are presented for the makespan criterion, which show that the problem is NP-hard, even with two time windows. Solving procedures are also proposed for some special cases.


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