Joint optimization of process improvement investments for supplier–buyer cooperative commerce

Joint optimization of process improvement investments for supplier–buyer cooperative commerce

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Article ID: iaor20062637
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 56
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 1310
End Page Number: 1324
Publication Date: Nov 2005
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,

This research focuses on supporting the formation of strategic alliances through the concept of cooperative commerce, where suppliers and buyers work together to jointly optimize their business. The general goal of this research is to examine existing cooperative commerce models for obstacles that would hinder their successful implementation into modern industrial applications and to address those shortcomings. Total annual cost equations are formulated to capture the joint total relevant cost of cooperative commerce business relationships. These total joint relevant cost models will include terms that capture the ordering cost, holding cost, and cost of quality, as well as any applicable investment cost for process improvements, consistent with traditional economic order quantity and economic production quantity theory. This research corrects a modelling/computational error found in the literature that led to underestimation of the effectiveness of process improvements in joint economic lot size models by 5-12%. In addition, the models are expanded to accommodate a full range of product quality inspection policies, from 0 to 100% product inspections. Furthermore, the models are modified to account for the cost of scrap generation, as well as the effects of accepting non-conforming product and rejecting conforming product during quality inspections. Once the total cost models are expanded to account for these neglected costs, the joint total relevant cost equations are minimized to find the optimal batch sizes, and the effects of each model extension on the model solution are studied. Results indicate that these extensions have a significant impact on the model results, such as reduced optimal batch sizes and increased optimal fraction conforming product.


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