Simplification of the transformations and redundancy of assurance regions in IDEA (imprecise DEA)

Simplification of the transformations and redundancy of assurance regions in IDEA (imprecise DEA)

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Article ID: iaor20062345
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 55
Issue: 12
Start Page Number: 1363
End Page Number: 1366
Publication Date: Dec 2004
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society

This note is concerned with joint uses of imprecise data and assurance regions (ARs) in data envelopment analysis (DEA), referred to as assurance region-imprecise DEA (AR-IDEA). It has been developed to transform the AR-IDEA models into ordinary linear programming equivalents via scale transformations and variable alterations plus introducing dummy variables. In this note, we show one simpler approach for achieving linear programming equivalents only by variable alterations without rescaling as well as introducing dummy variables. We also provide findings in the use of imprecise data and AR conditions in DEA. This points out that some AR conditions do not affect the efficiency ratings under AR-IDEA.


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