Hybrid Petri net and digraph approach for deadlock prevention in automated manufacturing systems

Hybrid Petri net and digraph approach for deadlock prevention in automated manufacturing systems

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Article ID: iaor20061647
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 43
Issue: 24
Start Page Number: 5131
End Page Number: 5159
Publication Date: Jan 2005
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: simulation: applications

This paper proposes a hybrid approach to deadlock prevention in automated manufacturing systems that combines Petri nets (PNs) and digraphs, so taking advantage of the strong points of both techniques. The approach uses digraphs to make the detection of deadlock conditions easier and then translates the obtained information in empty siphons of the PN modelling the same system. The proposed methodology allows the implementation of new PN-based deadlock prevention control policies. A case study and the simulation results show the benefits of the new control strategies.


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