Inapproximability and a polynomially solvable special case of a network improvement problem

Inapproximability and a polynomially solvable special case of a network improvement problem

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Article ID: iaor20051924
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 155
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 251
End Page Number: 257
Publication Date: May 2004
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: computational analysis

We consider a network improvement problem in which we wish to spend as little as possible to ensure that the distances from a given vertex to all other vertices are within given bounds. We first prove that achieving an approximation ratio (1+ε) is NP-hard for some constant ε>0. Then we show that the problem can be solved by a combinatorial algorithm running in O(|V|log|V|) time when the network is restricted to a tree.


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