Minimizing Lmax for large-scale, job-shop scheduling problems

Minimizing Lmax for large-scale, job-shop scheduling problems

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Article ID: iaor20051752
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 42
Issue: 23
Start Page Number: 4893
End Page Number: 4907
Publication Date: Jan 2004
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: job shop

The academic literature in 2000 presented a procedure for solving the job-shop-scheduling problem of minimizing Lmax. The iterative-adaptive simulation-based procedure is shown here to perform well on large-scale problems. However, there is potential for improvement in closing the gap between best-known solutions and the lower bound. In the present paper, a simulated annealing post-processing procedure is presented and evaluated on large-scale problems. A new neighbourhood structure for local searches in the job-shop scheduling problem is developed. The procedure is also evaluated using benchmark problems and new upper bounds are established.


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