Applications of location analysis in agriculture: a survey

Applications of location analysis in agriculture: a survey

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Article ID: iaor20051371
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 55
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 561
End Page Number: 578
Publication Date: Jun 2004
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: location

This article presents a survey of applications of operations research-based techniques to location problems in agriculture. From the early work in the field to more recent applications, researchers have successfully applied, adapted, and improved theoretical location models to fulfil the field's specific needs. This article discusses earlier work in agricultural location theory starting with the seminal work by von Thünen. It then introduces diverse and innovative applications of location models from the 1950s and 1960s. The authors then identify distinguishing features of location problems in agriculture, and discuss their impact on the analysis. In order to illustrate these features and the variety of operations research-based applications to agricultural location, the article turns to six real-world examples. It then considers, in conclusion, some of the directions that agricultural location theory may take in the future.


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