Model-based assessment of military aircraft engine maintenance systems

Model-based assessment of military aircraft engine maintenance systems

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Article ID: iaor2005867
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 55
Issue: 9
Start Page Number: 957
End Page Number: 967
Publication Date: Sep 2004
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: , ,
Keywords: military & defence, simulation: applications

This paper describes the development and use of a modular system dynamics model for analysing the dynamics for assessing the long-term performance of military aircraft engine maintenance systems. Life-cycle engine maintenance is considered as a dynamic system whose behaviour is influenced by parameters specific to the engine's reliability and maintenance characteristics, to the operational requirements, and to the maintenance infrastructure. We show how the model can be used for supporting the aircraft procurement decision through the assessment of its engine's maintenance system, as well as for understanding and determining maintenance system behaviours, towards which operational adjustments of the maintenance infrastructure can be made in a more informed way.


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