Optimizing parameters of cascade multiplier transmissions taking into account stochastic nature of strength characteristics of materials

Optimizing parameters of cascade multiplier transmissions taking into account stochastic nature of strength characteristics of materials

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Article ID: iaor2005743
Country: Belarus
Volume: 2
Start Page Number: 114
End Page Number: 120
Publication Date: Jun 2004
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Series of Physical-Mathematical Sciences
Authors: , ,
Keywords: programming: dynamic

A problem how to optimize basic design parameters of power transmission systems taking into account the stochastic nature of strength properties of gears materials is investigated. The system can include a cascade multiplier gear box and operates in deterministic conditions. The mathematical model takes into account main kinematic and strength restrictions. The goal is to minimize the total mass of transmission elements. The suggested solution procedure is based on the methods of parametric decomposition and dynamic programming.


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