Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Series of Physical-Mathematical Sciences

Found 19 papers in total
Getting necessary and sufficient conditions for preservation of dependence when parallelizing algorithms
Necessary and sufficient conditions for preservation of dependence when parallelizing...
Some criteria of hybrid system relative controllability
The problems of H–t 1 -controllability are considered for both non-stationary...
Minimizing diameters of edges in layout of a hypergraph into a d-dimensional grid
The hypergraph layout problem is considered. The hypergraph vertices are placed on a d...
On the extension of the class of split graphs
The extension of the class of split graphs, retaining a number of its advantages...
On the quasistability of the vector Boolean problem of threshold function minimization
The vector Boolean problem of threshold function minimization is considered. A kind of...
Noncrossing k-factors in geometric graphs II
It is proved that deciding the existence of a noncrossing 4-factor in 5-regular...
Optimization of the monotonous convex function on the convex polyhedral set generated by the parallel-sequential structure
The problem of minimization of the monotonous convex separable function on the convex...
On the stability radius of a strictly efficient solution of the vector Boolean problem of threshold functions minimization
Vector version of the well-known Boolean problem of threshold functions has been...
Necessary and sufficient conditions for preservation of dependencies when paralleling of algorithms
Necessary and sufficient conditions for preservation of dependencies when paralleling...
Realization of hypergraphs by trees of minimal diameter
The algorithm which allows to construct the realization of hypergraphs by trees of...
Noncrossing k-factors in geometric graphs. I
It is proved that deciding the existence of a noncrossing 1-factor in orthogonal...
Optimizing parameters of cascade multiplier transmissions taking into account stochastic nature of strength characteristics of materials
A problem how to optimize basic design parameters of power transmission systems taking...
Minimization of project-network with given bounds of activity durations
Efficient algorithms are developed to delete from the given project-network all...
Two-priority queueing system with random volume demands and unreliable server
Single-server head-of-the-line two-priority discipline queueing system with random...
On second-order optimality conditions for solutions of the optimization problem with inequality constraints
The paper presents a straightforward proof of the primal second order sufficient...
On insensitivity conditions of the stationary state probabilities for the networks with the rounds and negative customers
Opening queueing networks with negative customers, rounds and EPS service discipline...
Sensitivity analysis for state constrained optimal control problems and changeable index
A family of parameter dependent optimal control problems is considered. The problems...
Construction of optimal feedback control with delays in feedback link
An optimal control problem with bang-bang controller is under consideration. Taking...
Characterizations and recognition of some subclasses of well-covered modulo m graphs
The class of all well covered graphs modulo m is denoted by Z(m). The...
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