Article ID: | iaor20042016 |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Volume: | 51 |
Issue: | 4 |
Start Page Number: | 405 |
End Page Number: | 426 |
Publication Date: | Dec 2003 |
Journal: | JIE |
Authors: | Raskovich Alexander |
Keywords: | production |
Securing sales to a large buyer can be pivotal to a supplier's decision to produce. While conventional wisdom suggests that being pivotal improves a buyer's bargaining position, the opposite is shown in a multilateral bargaining model. If other buyer's payments fall short of costs, a pivotal buyer must cover the shortfall or forfeit consumption. This affords leverage that the supplier lacks when bargaining with non-pivotal buyers. The analysis illuminates contracting in markets with high fixed costs, such as cable television programming, motion pictures, and large-scale project finance, and has implications for the Federal Communications Commission's horizontal ownership limits on cable system operators.