Transitive approximation to pairwise comparison matrices by using interval goal programming

Transitive approximation to pairwise comparison matrices by using interval goal programming

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Article ID: iaor20041194
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 54
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 532
End Page Number: 538
Publication Date: May 2003
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: , ,
Keywords: statistics: general

Paired comparison is a very popular method for establishing the relative importance of n objects, when they cannot be directly rated. The challenge faced by the pairwise comparison method stems from some missing properties in its associated matrix. In this paper, we focus on the following general problem: given a non-reciprocal and inconsistent matrix computing intransitivities, what is its associated ranking (defined by importance values)? We propose to use inconsistencies as a source of information for obtaining importance values. For this purpose, a methodology with a decomposition and aggregation phase is proposed. Interval Goal Programming will be a useful tool for implementing the aggregation process defined in the second phase.


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