Loading aircraft for military operations

Loading aircraft for military operations

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Article ID: iaor20041068
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 54
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 458
End Page Number: 465
Publication Date: May 2003
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: , , , ,
Keywords: transportation: air

In this paper, we describe an aircraft loading problem submitted by the French military agency (DGA) as part of a more general military airlift planning problem. It can be viewed as a kind of bi-dimensional bin-packing problem, with heterogeneous bins and several additional constraints. We introduce two-phase methods for solving this NP-hard problem. The first phase consists in building good initial solutions, thanks to two fast algorithms: a list-based heuristic and a loading pattern generation method. Both algorithms call a constraint-based subroutine, able to determine quickly if the items already loaded can be reshuffled to accommodate a new object. The second phase improves these preliminary solutions using local search techniques. Results obtained on real data sets are presented.


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