Machine assignment in a nonlinear multi-product flowline

Machine assignment in a nonlinear multi-product flowline

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Article ID: iaor20041007
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 54
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 472
End Page Number: 489
Publication Date: May 2003
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,

A group of machines for processing a set of jobs in a manufacturing system is often located in a serial line. An efficient strategy for locating these machines such that the total travel distance or the cost of transporting the jobs is minimized is desired. In this research, the assumption of a linear line with equally spaced machine location is relaxed. This research addressed problems of locating unique machines. It is found that the machine distances possess unique properties in this type of a problem. Utilizing these properties, heuristic strategies are proposed to obtain efficient solution where optimal methods are expected to be computationally prohibitive. A lower bound for the optimum solution is also proposed. Results are encouraging.


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