Minimizing total tardiness: A case study in an autoparts factory

Minimizing total tardiness: A case study in an autoparts factory

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Article ID: iaor20041004
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 9
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 371
End Page Number: 379
Publication Date: Jul 2002
Journal: International Transactions in Operational Research
Authors: , , , ,
Keywords: production

The application of heuristic procedures for solving a real scheduling problem that arises in an autoparts factory is reported in this paper. Due to the characteristics of the environment, the measure of performance considered is the minimization of the total tardiness of the jobs. The original problem is reduced to the single machine scheduling problem, and the dispatching rules EDD (earliest due date), SPT (shortest processing time), and the PSK algorithm are used to obtain approximate solutions. Computational tests and a comparison with the usual schedule are presented.


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