A flow model social network analysis of the Iranian Government

A flow model social network analysis of the Iranian Government

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Article ID: iaor2004263
Country: United States
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 5
End Page Number: 16
Publication Date: Jan 2003
Journal: Military Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: government

Social networks describe the complex interrelations, both formal and informal, between individuals and groups. Modeling and analysis of social networks has many practical applications across an array of domains. These include government and military applications. An example is considered in detail for the Iranian government decision making process where relevant individuals and groups, their interactions,and their role in the decision-making process are explicitly modeled. This analysis illustrates a flow model representation of social networks. Flow modeling is a robust and powerful tool for social network analysis. Mapping social network analysis to a flow model representation resolves many of the problems found in existing Social Network Analysis techniques.


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