Application of theory of constraints in an integrated poultry industry

Application of theory of constraints in an integrated poultry industry

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Article ID: iaor2004204
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 41
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 799
End Page Number: 817
Publication Date: Jan 2003
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: production, developing countries

Theory of Constraints developed by E.M. Goldratt was initially applied to production scheduling and later to various areas such as Operations, Finance and Measures, Project Management, Marketing, Sales, Managing People, Strategy and Tactics. However, these applications were in engineering industries and products. The Strategic Thinking Processes of Theory of Constraints are designed to help combat an enormous problem faced by organizations – the tendency of organizations and their management to study, construct and implement solutions in isolation. In this case study, we applied the Theory of Constraints' Strategic Thinking Process in one of the leading integrated poultry businesses in India to identify and overcome the policy constraints in the business. After overcoming the policy constraints, overwhelming improvements in throughput and Inventories were observed.


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