Efficient mapping algorithms for scheduling robot inverse dynamics computation on a multiprocessor system

Efficient mapping algorithms for scheduling robot inverse dynamics computation on a multiprocessor system

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Article ID: iaor1991527
Country: United States
Volume: 20
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 582
End Page Number: 595
Publication Date: May 1990
Journal: IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man and Cybernetics
Authors: ,

Two efficient mapping algorithms are presented for scheduling the execution of the robot inverse dynamics computation on a p-processor multiprocessor system. An objective function is defined in terms of the sum of the processor finishing time and the interprocessor communication time. The minimax optimization is performed on the objective function to obtain the best mapping. This mapping problem can be formulated as a combination of the graph partitioning and scheduling problems; both have been known to be NP-complete. Thus, to speed up the search for a solution, two heuristic algorithms were proposed to obtain fast but suboptimal mapping solutions. The first algorithm utilizes the level and the communication intensity of the task processes to construct an ordered priority list of ready processes, and the process assignment is performed by a weighted bipartite matching algorithm. For a near-optimal mapping solution, the problem can be solved by the heuristic algorithm with simulated annealing. These proposed optimization algorithms can solve various large-scale problems within a reasonable time. Computer simulations were performed to evaluate and verify the performance and the validity of the proposed mapping algorithms. Finally, experiments for computing the inverse dynamics of a six-jointed PUMA-like manipulator based on the Newton-Euler dynamic equations were implemented on an NCUBE/ten hypercube computer to verify the proposed mapping algorithms. Computer simulation and experimental results are compared and discussed.


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