Evaluation of a maintenance strategy by the analysis of the rate of repair

Evaluation of a maintenance strategy by the analysis of the rate of repair

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Article ID: iaor20033095
Country: United States
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 129
End Page Number: 148
Publication Date: Feb 2003
Journal: Quality & Reliability International
Authors: ,
Keywords: performance

The evaluation of maintenance strategies is a problem which has been widely tackled. However, it remains a topic worthy of consideration since the economic stakes peculiar to this activity are huge. The work presented in this paper deals with this problem under the point of view of data feedback. A statistical analysis is made from the examination of the forms of the failure rate distribution. The laws resulting from the implementation of a given maintenance strategy inform us about the relevance of the choices representative of this strategy. The construction of these laws from a raw time of repair is a global approach which tends to hide the induced phenomenon. A decomposition of the repair process into phases allows us to better identify the influence of the strategy parameters. The analysis of each elementary phase distribution is interesting since it gives information about the performance of the implemented maintenance strategy.


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