Let {Xt} be a stationary process with spectral density g(λ). It is often that the true structure g(λ) is not completely specified. This paper discusses the problem of misspecified prediction when a conjectured spectral density fθ(λ), θ∈Θ, is fitted to g(λ). Then, constructing the best linear predictor based on fθ(λ), we can evaluate the prediction error M(θ). Since θ is unknown we estimate it by a quasi-maximum likelihood estimator &thetacrc;Q. The second-order asymptotic approximation of M(&thetacrc;Q) is given. This result is extended to the case when Xt contains some trend, i.e. a time series regression model. These results are very general. Furthermore we evaluate the second-order asymptotic approximation of M(&thetacrc;Q) for a time series regression model having a long-memory residual process with the true spectral density g(λ). Since the general formulae of the approximated prediction error are complicated, we provide some numerical examples. Then we illuminate unexpected effects from the misspecification of spectra.