Discrete time/cost trade-offs in project scheduling with time-switch constraints

Discrete time/cost trade-offs in project scheduling with time-switch constraints

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Article ID: iaor2003928
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 53
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 741
End Page Number: 751
Publication Date: Jul 2002
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: , ,
Keywords: scheduling, programming: branch and bound

The discrete time/cost trade-off problem assumes the duration of project activities to be discrete, non-increasing functions of the amount of a single non-renewable resource. The problem has been studied under three possible objectives. The so-called deadline problem involves the scheduling of project activities in order to minimize the total cost of the project while meeting a given deadline. The budget problem aims at minimizing the project duration without exceeding a given budget. A third objective involves the generation of the complete efficient time/cost profile over the set of feasible project durations. In this paper we describe a solution procedure for the deadline problem in which three special cases of time-switch constraints are involved. These constraints impose a specified starting time on the project activities and force them to be inactive during specified time periods. We propose a branch-and-bound algorithm and a heuristic procedure which both make use of a lower bound calculation for the discrete time/cost trade-off problem (without time-switch constraints). The procedures have been coded in Visual C++, version 6.0 under Windows 2000 and have been validated on a randomly generated problem set. We also discuss an illustrative example based on a real-life situation.


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